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The Basics of Temperature Monitoring and Importance of Ensuring Accuracy (Part 3)
The recorder is not the official monitoring device. A now-defunct business named Castleberry's had a botulism issue a number of years ago.3,4 Missing temperature monitoring devices on retorts was one of the problems that contributed to the botulism outbreak. In total,...
The Basics of Temperature Monitoring and Importance of Ensuring Accuracy (Part 2)
The Low-Acid Canned Foods regulation in 21 CFR Part 113.40(a) states the following: (1) Temperature-indicating device. Each retort shall be equipped with at least one temperature indicating device that accurately indicates the temperature during processing. Each...
The Basics of Temperature Monitoring and Importance of Ensuring Accuracy (Part 1)
Food processors monitor many different parameters to ensure that the foods, beverages, or ingredients they are manufacturing meet safety, quality, and legal requirements. Perhaps the most important of these parameters is temperature. However, temperature does not...
Challenges for Evaluation of Your Environmental Monitoring Program (Part 2)
The second part of the article focuses on the remining two challenge questions regarding environmental monitoring programs, namely corrective action initiation and root cause investigation. Challenge No. 2: Is Corrective Action Initiated on a Presumptive or Confirmed...
Challenges for Evaluation of Your Environmental Monitoring Program (Part 1)
Environmental Management Programs are not just documents to be written and forgotten, but living systems that require active management. Environmental monitoring programs (EMPs) are widespread throughout the food, dietary supplement, and animal food industries, as...
Dry Sanitation in Food Processing: Enhancing Safety for Low-Moisture Foods
Dry sanitation is a pivotal practice in the food processing industry, particularly for facilities that produce low-moisture or low-water-activity foods. This method involves cleaning and sanitizing food processing equipment and facilities without the use of water,...
Is AI “Food Safe”?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic of research in computer science. One of its goals is to enable the processing and analysis of large data sets; then, machine learning algorithms make it possible for AI to acquire knowledge from this data and predict the...
Can 5S Be a Useful Methodology for the Sanitation Team?
There are multiple benefits to implementation of 5S methodology in the sanitation process and areas, including engagement of the sanitation team The 5S methodology can be implemented for continuous improvement in the food plant sanitation process. First, it will be...
Essentials of Bird Management for Food Processors
Birds: A Flying, Nesting Risk for Your Facility From human health risks to building and equipment damage, birds can be some of the most difficultpests to control for the food processing industry. Knowing your options and even knowing the tips andtricks to help make...
The Importance of a Positive Release Program
Imagine, if you will, this hypothetical scenario: A quality assurance director is sitting in the office when one of the staff comes in.The staffer says, "Boss, we got the results back from lot XYZ, and they are not good."The boss says, "Okay, let's put it on...
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