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Rapid Testing Methods—Processor Preferences
Which rapid microbiological test methods are preferred byfood processors, and what attributes of rapid tests are mostimportant to them? There has been substantial growth in the development and use of rapid methods since theirintroduction to the market over the past 25...
Are Rapid Testing Method Still a Necessary Part of Food Safety?
Due to the well-known risks of working with pathogens in an in-house food laboratory, therehas been a dramatic shift to outsourcing for pathogen samples There has been much discussion in recent years about the use of rapid microbiologicalmethods in food safety testing...
Determining Sanitation Effectiveness with a Robust Environmental Monitoring Program – Part 3
Quantity of Samples The number of samples can be tricky and must be based on a risk assessment. One of the keyfactors is facility size. Industry recommendations include 30–60 sampling sites per 50,000square feet. Another consideration is the product risk. If a...
Determining Sanitation Effectiveness with a Robust Environmental Monitoring Program – Part 2
Timing PEM can serve two purposes for sanitation: For sanitation verification. Did you start out clean? Did the sanitation practices,policies, and procedures achieve the desired cleanliness standard? Test during post rinse or pre-operational inspections. When the...
Determining Sanitation Effectiveness with a Robust Environmental Monitoring Program – Part 1
A PEM program should test for a mix of indicator organisms and a mix of pathogens based onproduct susceptibility and risk. A sanitation program is a key component of any food processor's or food handler's food safetyplan. A well-written and well-executed sanitation...
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